Monday, June 18, 2007

Bad news

A serious setback has happened. I was travelling back home on Saturday evening, when I was attacked by three young men. I tried to run away, but they catched me and managed to push me over to the ground. After being kicked in the head for a while, I was unable to defend my backpack, so they took it and ran away. Unfortunately my laptop was in my backpack, so I lost it.

The bad news is that all the source code for the project was in the laptop's hard drive, and no backups were made. This means that I have to reimplement everything that has been done to date. Of course as I have already designed the classes, reimplementing doesn't take too long, but I expect it to take at least a couple of days, maybe even the rest of the week.

So, the lessons learnt:
  1. Always backup your important data on a safe medium.
  2. Never carry your laptop around when not necessary.
P.S. The same group that attacked me was really berserk that night and assaulted somebody else in the exact same location during the same evening: See news article by Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish).

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